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Mastering Pain with CBD

mastering pain with cbd

Have you ever woken up with a sore neck, got a sudden migraine, or lived with a constant reoccurring throb down your lower back? Pain is a universal experience, but as annoying and unpleasant as it can be, did you know that pain is intended to protect you? 

What Is Pain?  

Pain is our body’s natural response when our body is harmed or injured. Its main role is to protect you and alert the brain of any possible dangers. Pain typically starts at the site of the injury or at the site of inflammation. Your nerves then will send countless electrical messages to your brain through your spinal cord until the brain is reached. Once your brain is alerted to danger, you will then actually feel the pain, intended to help remove you from the situation and stop you from further damage.  

Different Types of Pain 

Pain comes in various forms, from a paper cut to a dull throb of a muscle strain. Understanding the diverse nature of pain helps healthcare professionals tailor treatments to address the specific underlying causes. Although there are a wide variety of different pains to exist, here are some of the more general types of pain.  

Acute Pain This pain lasts relatively shortly; anywhere between a few seconds to three months. It generally stems from soft-tissue injuries, surgeries or light illnesses. Typically, it will heal quickly after treatment, however, in other cases, if not treated properly, it could lead to chronic pains. Examples include paper cuts, toothaches, migraines, sprains, and surgeries. 

Chronic Pain This is an extended and more serious version of acute pain. It’s defined as any pain that lasts longer than 3 months. Acute pain can lead to chronic pain. For example, a headache is typically an acute pain, however, if it reoccurs consistently for an extended period, it is classified as chronic pain. Chronic pain includes arthritis, fibromyalgia, and back pain. 

Neuropathic Pain This type of pain occurs when there is damage or harm to your nerves or other parts of the nervous system. Neuropathic pain is more striking than the previous, typically sharp and sometimes followed by a burning sensation. Examples include sclerosis, diabetic neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy. 

CBD and Pain  

Did you know that more than 50.8% of CBD users in Canada use CBD for pain? As helpful and protective our pain process may be, relentless ongoing pain can pose a heavy burden on quality of life. As you may know, CBD enters our body and interacts with our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) – a system that regulates our cardiovascular health, mood, sleep, nervous system, as well as our perception of pain. Our natural endocannabinoids have anti-nociceptive properties, meaning they aid in blocking painful stimuli to reduce pain. Supplementing our bodies with cannabinoids such as CBD may have a similar effect in regulating and reducing sensations of pain to help you regain the ability to participate in certain tasks and activities again. Over the recent two decades, there have been an endless number of studies showing the efficacy of CBD as a novel painkiller.  

What Studies Have Found  

CBD for Arthritis and Joint Pains 

Arthritis encompasses a wide array of various forms of joint discomfort. Inflammation at joints may arise and cause swelling, discomfort, stiffness and may progress as we age. CBD has emerged as a promising ally for arthritis sufferers due to its multifaceted therapeutic properties, specifically its anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, CBD’s interaction with the endocannabinoid system helps modulate immune responses, contributing to a more balanced and controlled inflammatory environment. The analgesic properties of CBD further enhance its efficacy, offering a natural and well-tolerated option for managing arthritis symptoms without the potential drawbacks of traditional medications 

CBD for Fibromyalgia 

Fibromyalgia is described as widespread muscle pain and tenderness throughout the body, which is often accompanied by mood imbalances, sleep deprivation, and memory issues. Fibromyalgia is a type of chronic pain, and thus many have substituted other medications with CBD as a natural painkiller. Its ability to soothe the nervous system and dial down inflammation becomes a source of comfort for individuals battling fibromyalgia. Beyond the physical, CBD’s calming influence extends to mood regulation, providing a holistic approach to managing the often-overlapping symptoms of this condition. A recent study at UMichigan has found that over 70% of CBD users for fibromyalgia have seen a decrease in pain and have happily switched over to CBD as their primary form of medication.  

Keep in Mind  

Time and again, CBD emerges as a natural ally in mitigating and managing pain, paving the way for a more comfortable and balanced life. While CBD showcases promise in pain management, individual responses can vary. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals ensures safe and effective usage. 

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