Spring Special: Free CBD Gummies on orders above $150

Spring Special: Free CBD Gummies on orders above $150

Pets and CBD? What is the magic in this case?


Just like us humans, pets experience the same health problems as we do. As hard as the truth may be, our pets could be experiencing certain symptoms and pain that they can’t or don’t express to us.

As we do ourselves, it’s always advised to consult with a veterinarian before feeding your pet certain ingredients, however CBD oil is an alternative form of medication to help humans and animals with overall health and wellness.

Plant of Life’s Full Spectrum Pet Oil is a 100% plant-based formula made from pure whole-plant extracts to restore the health and wellness of our furry friends.

Let’s take dogs for instance. Although happy and healthy signs of a dog could be running, jumping, barking and playing, these can also be signs that your dog is experiencing anxiety or pain in certain situations.

Like humans, all mammals have an endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is responsible for regulating the functions of mood, stress, anxiety, etc. When our pets intake CBD, it directly interacts with their ECS, making them more calm in stressful situations or allowing them to get a restful sleep at night.

If your pet or pets experience pain, arthritis, insomnia, anxiety, ADHD, etc., consult with your vet about the appropriate use of CBD for your pet or refer to trustworthy organizations like the American Kennel Club (AKC) to learn more.

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