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Celebrate Family, Celebrate Wellness : Enjoy 20% off sitewide

Sustainability 2021: Why we should shop and consume local, organic, plant-based products


Earth Day Every Day

Happy Earth Day friends! Although we should all be striving to make better choices and show appreciation for Mother Nature every day, some of us just need an extra push and reminder. (That includes us at Plant of Life too!) Despite 2020 being one of the most unpredictable years ever, it helped create greater global awareness of sustainability and deepen consumer understanding of the impact we have on earth. From the importance of supporting local businesses to taking care of our health and the health of the planet, there is a real sense that we need to act now in order to change the world for the better. As vaccines are rolling in and the pandemic starts to recover, we should continue this force of cleanliness and a holistic, sustainable approach to health and wellness.

Think Globally, Act Locally

There are some small steps we as individuals can be taking at home, work, or in our community that make a bigger difference than we think.  It’s about thinking globally but acting locally. The simple rules like Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling are not as easy as it sounds, but with consistency they are extremely effective! There are two additional R’s in the modern paradigm, which are Refuse, being at the top and Rot (naturally decompose) before Recycle. Implementing these two extra steps in our practice is key to living more waste-free and having a better impact on our planet. The 5 R’s are all essential practices we should all be implementing into our lifestyle and that we as a business also try to practice and improve on. However, it’s a learning process that’s far from perfect. But that’s okay! It’s technically impossible to live a 100% zero-waste lifestyle. So instead of trying to preach a practice where we do not have full integrity, we want to talk about something that we are doing differently. At Plant of Life we pride ourselves on conscious sourcing and manufacturing using quality ingredients that are local, organic, and plant-based.

Shop Local

Using and consuming local, organic, plant-based products is another way we as individuals can live more sustainably. Whether it’s the food we eat, supplements we take, household products, cosmetics, and so on, it’s important not only for our own health but for the earth as well. Buying local has really been the talk of the talk recently – but why is it so important? 45% of consumers made an effort to buy Canadian products in the past year. Not only do we want to be supporting small businesses and our local economy instead of allowing big, corporate chains to take over; buying locally sourced and made products positively impact our environment. Locally sourced products significantly reduce green house gas emissions caused by transportation, which is the number one cause of global warming. It also helps protect local land and wildlife because when we purchase local products, we support our local farmers and help them successfully operate their business. That way they are less likely to sell their land, which would often be redeveloped for industrial or commercial use, causing more greenhouse gas emissions and destruction of wildlife.

Why Organic?

Organic products start with organic ingredients grown and produced using sustainable practices. Since there are no harsh chemicals in these products, there is significantly less waste and toxins going down the drain and back into the earth. Farming without synthetic pesticides is also better for nearby birds and animals as well as people who live close to farms. When we purchase products that are overly processed, an excessive amount of waste is produced and also dumped in the oceans. These wastes leave trails of chemicals that seep into our soils, the water we drink, our atmosphere and inevitably hurts our planet in a continuous cycle. Consumers have changed their everyday habits, integrating environmentally responsible practices into their lifestyle. So they expect companies like us to do the same.

Go Plant-based

The rise of the plant-based culture seems like it’s here to stay. From beyond-meat burgers to the booming clean-beauty industry, buying and consuming plant-based products have proven to elevate our well-being and the life on earth. There are many reasons why people choose a plant-based lifestyle, one of them being that it’s better for the environment. Livestock systems cover 45% of the earth’s total surface and 18% of greenhouse gases are caused from farming livestock. If everybody on earth were to go plant-based, agricultural land will be reduced by 540 million hectares and a 70% decrease in CO2 emissions. It doesn’t mean all meat-eaters should become vegans and never consume meat or dairy products, rather we should all try to cut down on meat consumption or introduce plant-based products into our lifestyle. If we all proportionately choose to consume more from plant sources, it will significantly reduce our environmental impact. If it’s not sustainably made, plant based, or cruelty free, we don’t want to be putting it in our homes, in our bodies or otherwise allow it to clog our drains.

At Plant of Life

As we recognize the importance of practicing a low-waste lifestyle, some things are just deemed essential in our lives like healthy food and supplements. CBD is by nature fairly sustainable. The plants don’t require a ton of watering or pesticides given proper care and leave a relatively small carbon footprint. Here at Plant of Life, we honour Mother Nature and the simple cycle of ‘plant to product’. Through a holistic product life cycle, we extract our CBD from 100% GMO-free and organic hemp plants sourced in North America and produced in Ontario, Canada. With absolutely no chemicals, fillers, flavours, or solvents added in the process, our products are safe and friendly for our bodies and the earth. From the soil to the body, we ensure every step of the process is performed with conscious care. Our ingredients are sourced from local farms then developed into the final product in small, controlled batches in our own manufacturing facility. Then each new batch is sent to a third-party clinical laboratory to be tested for mold, pesticides, and solvents. These tests verify that our hemp products are clean and safe and ready to be sold. We go through these processes to ensure that our customers are getting the safest and reliable products possible. As a part of our commitment to help you achieve a holistic lifestyle, we want to make sure we are being responsible and sustainable as a business. At Plant of Life, we are taking small steps to improve and give back to you and our planet. From clean and local sourcing, planting trees, to eco-friendly packaging, our goal is to become 80% sustainable by 2022. We recognize there is a long road ahead, we hope you will ride along with us and thank you for your continual support.

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