Nature’s Medicine: Forest Bathing


Nothing feels better than a dose of fresh air and nature after a hectic day, week, or even month(s). It has been known for centuries that even going outside for a short time can erase your stress and provide you with a sense of comfort. Standing amongst the trees with the sun shining on your […]

Monotasking is the New Multitasking


When was the last time you got through a movie without checking your phone? Working on a work project without catching up on emails? We’ve grown up with the idea that efficiently multitasking is the peak of productivity, however, many studies are now revealing that it may be what’s hurting our productiveness. Humans are not […]

Our Comprehensive CBD Buying Guide


Learning about CBD and the whole endocannabinoid system itself can be so overwhelming, and on top of that, you have to look through the hundreds of CBD products that are out there. Navigating through all the websites, trying to figure out what a cannabinoid is vs cannabidiol, and decoding CBD dosages can leave you feeling […]

Ikigai: Japanese secret to a happy and long life


In recent years, you may have started to hear the term “Ikigai” or see its well-known four circle diagram. This philosophy is widely followed within Japanese culture and has now become popularized overseas as the ‘Japanese secret to a happy and long life.’ Ikigai guides individuals to discover their raison d’être or reason for being […]

Taking CBD to Maximize your Intermittent Fasting Results


What is Intermittent Fasting? The diet regimen of intermittent fasting (IF) has become well-loved by many due to its benefits on weight loss and overall wellness. This simple eating plan alternates between fasting and eating on a regular schedule to optimize the advantages of limiting calorie intake for several hours at a time. Although this […]

CBD & Omega-3: How They Work Together


The Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and the Endocannabinoid System Many know omega-3 fatty acids as the essential nutrient that can be found in fish, nuts, flaxseeds, etc. – but what is not commonly known is Omega-3’s interdependent relationship with the body’s own endocannabinoid (eCB) system! Omega-3 and naturally forming eCBs go hand-in-hand as one […]

Is CBD a nootropic? Boosting brain health and performance


Every day, CBD further deepens its roots into the health and science world as its popularity rises and hopeful research becomes increasingly published. We’ve discussed CBD’s versatile health benefits countless times, however, CBD’s promising effects on brain protection and regeneration are capturing the attention of many – and even leading to CBD being seen as […]

Canada’s opioid crisis: CBD’s potential to curb symptoms and dependence


For the past 20 years, the opioid crisis in Canada continues to grow rapidly and without end. According to the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and Addiction, a staggering number of 4,395 people in Canada have succumbed to an opioid-related death in just the past year alone. Many opioid addictions begin with the prescription of […]

The Science of Habit Formation to Optimize Your Healthy Lifestyle


You may have heard of the phrase “you are what you eat” – but have you heard that who you are is determined by what you repeatedly do? Your habits make up who you are – your success, happiness, and more. In fact, about 40% of our daily lives are the result of habits. This […]

CBD as a biological armor against COVID-19 infection


Amidst worsening cases of COVID-19 and Omicron variant, we are all putting our best efforts into protecting ourselves and others to limit the spread of the virus.  A breakthrough study performed by the prestigious University of Waterloo discovered that CBD has the potential to equip the body with better defense mechanisms against COVID-19.  The innate […]